Sunday, April 29, 2012


Most of my days lately are spent being nauseous and focusing on not throwing up. So, it was a nice change to have a fun afternoon out and about with my family. 

We needed to go to Target to pick up a wedding shower gift for next weekend. But, first we stopped at Payless to look for shoes for Tate. The last pair I bought was a pair of leather sandals that, within about a week, started smelling like stinky feet. Being nauseous all the time, we cannot have stinky feet! Well, I found a cute pair that fit him well, but they were $27. I don't know about you, but I happen to think it's ridiculous to pay $27 for toddler shoes. We decided to go ahead and spend the money, though, because he really does need shoes right now. They were having a buy one get one 50% off sale, so I also grabbed a pair of swim shoes for this summer. When we went to check out, the $27 shoes were on sale for only $9! $9 people!!! I was SO excited. That made my whole day. 

Cute new shoes 

Swimming shoes- which totally do NOT match his swimsuit. :(

But, the savings don't stop there! 

Then, we went to Target and picked up our shower gift. And, I found the last Mother's Day card we needed which was exciting. I kinda suck at getting cards and gifts and getting them out 
on time. This year will be different! 

So, anywho, since we were there, I wanted to see if they had the carseat I've been eyeing for Tate. We didn't want to buy it there (cheaper at Walmart), but I wanted to make sure Tate fit in it before we purchased it and figured AJ could lift it for me. They did, indeed, have the carseat, but this one was green (the Walmart one is gray). We pulled the carseat off the shelf, set it on the floor, and had Tate sit in it. He loved it and I was excited that he fit and was planning on looking online to see if they sold green ones at Walmart. THEN, I looked down and saw a SALE sign! The wonderful green carseat was on sale for less than the Walmart price. Hooray for me! So, AJ said "go for it" and that beautiful carseat is mine all mine. 

Don't you just love it?!

Perhaps I should take a moment to explain my instant obsession with the greenness. Because Tate is so big, I don't have much (or any) choice in which carseat I buy. Most forward facing harness seats only go up to 40 lbs. This one goes up to 65 lbs with the 5-point harness and then up to 100 lbs with a regular seat belt or as a backless booster seat. Of course, there are others that have high weight limits, but those are the ones that cost $200-$300 and since we need 2 of them, that's just not happening. With his last carseat, my only color choice was black. This time, I was resigned to the gray carseat and that was fine, but green is so much better!!!  Don't you think?!

Then, we finished up the night with dinner at Chili's which was delicious! Overall, it was a fantabulous afternoon, because of a couple of lovely sales and my hubby who treated us to dinner. :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Resuming blog

Wow. I suck at blogging! My last post was about 5 months ago.

What's new since December? Well, Tate has been sick a lot. Like all the time a lot.

He's also HILARIOUS! Seriously, the things he comes up with is amazing! He's currently obsessed with the trash truck when it comes every Friday, his Geemaw Nobles, and playing outside. He went to the zoo for the first time this past weekend and loved it. I'll do another post about that once I get pics.

The other big news is that I'm pregnant! I'm due Nov. 20th. We are definitely finding out the sex, but can't until June. I only get one ultrasound the entire pregnancy, so I'll be hitting up our doctor friends for help seeing my little one. I'm 10 weeks and still super nauseous. SO ready to be done with this part! Already having dreams that it's a boy. We really want a girl so we can have one of each, but we all think it's a boy which will be super fun, too!

Lots of crap going on at work- lots of changes in the works. Basically, more work to do, but with less time to do it in. Lovely!

Here's a few pics of our life lately...

Abnormally warm weather in March had us eating popsicles and playing outside lots 

Lots of car trips to KC 

Some coloring 

A new fascination with everyone mowing their lawns 

And, watching lots of Caillou on YouTube.

Mother's Day flower pots

For Mother's Day, my mom (Geemaw) requested a flower pot painted by Tatey. It took both Mommy and Daddy to manage the paint so we don't have pictures of the process, but here's the finished product. 2 big ones for the grandmas and 2 little ones for mommy's front porch. 

And we got all but one card purchased, signed, and decorated by Tate. Go us! Now, to get them mailed on time!

 That is some serious artistic talent :)

Our deck after Tatey painted. It's rotting and needs replacing, so we just let it get messy!