Sunday, May 20, 2012

My big boy

With baby #2 on the way and Tate kicking me all night long, I finally made the decision to move him to a big boy bed in his own room. I can't even tell you how many times I changed my mind about what to do about his sleeping issues. AJ and I talked about moving Tate to his bed and letting him sleep with daddy and that was the plan for awhile. But, in the end, I finally bit the bullet and decided he'd be better off learning to self soothe and sleep alone. AJ and I bought a twin mattress about 2 weeks ago and were all set to start Tate in his new bed on Sunday night, but my dad came to stay for 2 nights so we postponed until Tuesday night. 

Let me tell ya, I was super sad to have 2 more nights with my sweet boy- NOT! I loved every minute of it! Thanks dad for giving me 2 more nights!!! 

So, Tuesday, we started in the big bed. His mattress is just on the floor in the nursery (which has never been used- ever). That way he won't fall out since he's always slept with an adult. We're waiting to find out the sex of the baby to see what we will do with the nursery. If it's another boy, we'll do bunk beds eventually. If it's a girl, well, we haven't gotten that far yet. Tate's crib turns into a full size bed so we'll just figure that out later I guess. 

Tate has done FABULOUSLY sleeping in his own bed in his own room. He slept on his own from about 8-12  Tuesday and then I ended up sleeping on his floor and ended up in his bed at some point. Wednesday night, AJ got up with him and was able to just find his binky and pat his back and Tate went right back to sleep. He only woke a few times Wed. Thursday and  Friday were very similar- I laid with him until he fell asleep and ended up falling asleep in his bed until about 10:30 pm. He only woke up twice each night and was easily put back to sleep. 

Saturday night (last night) I did have to stay with him for a few more minutes when he woke up around 4 and then I had a visitor at 5:40. I heard a little voice and looked over and he was heading for my bed. He walked right up to my face and said "Mama". I pulled him into bed, he cuddled up, and went back to sleep til 6. So sweet! He and I napped together Saturday morning in daddy's bed and then he napped in his bed Saturday afternoon. Today, he napped in his bed again and came walking out when he woke up. 

At the end of our co-sleeping time, Tate was waking up ALL night long screaming, rolling, kicking me, etc. That was really the final straw in co-sleeping. We did it originally so that we could all get some sleep. Since that was no longer the case, it was time for him to move. I honestly expected this process to be absolute hell for about 2 weeks with us taking turns comforting him every 5 minutes. I have been pleasantly SHOCKED at how well he's done. Guess he was just ready. Good job baby!!! I'm so proud of you!

While Tate has done fabulously, I have had a SUPER hard time with this. Part of it is pregnancy hormones and part of it is not being properly medicated (due to being pregnant), but it has been horrible for me. I spent  last Saturday night (what I thought was my last night sleeping with him) crying hysterically for hours. This was repeated Tuesday night when I was in my bed all alone for the first time in almost 2 years. My sweet baby boy is growing up and this Mama is having a VERY hard time accepting that. I just love him so much that it's hard to let go of each little stage. I'm coping much better now and cherish the cuddle time putting him to sleep and the occasional nap we sneak together. :)

The plan for Baby #2 is to have baby in the co-sleeper next to my bed until he/she gets too big. Then, baby will move into the crib in the nursery with big brother. No more co-sleeping for this mama. :( The goal is to get AJ and I back to sharing a bed- he needs a sleep apnea study first (that snoring makes me want to punch him!). As the kiddos get older, we'll figure out the next sleeping transition. 

I'll leave you with the very last pic I have of Tatey in my bed

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