Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tate's cuteness

It's about time I record some of the things Tate does/says these days for posterity so here goes.

  • Just started saying "no mama" 
  • Able to answer questions about his day. Ex: Did you play outside? Did you have a fun day? Did you drink milk this morning with daddy?
  • Indicates when hungry by saying "I hunnry"
  • Likes to play hide and seek (just started this week) and will say "um on, seek" (come on, seek). Actually understands the concept of both hiding and seeking
  • Speaking in 2-3 word phrases consistently "I got it, I get it, no mama, come on, etc"
  • Fav foods: Blueberries ("bewwy"), blackberries, bananas ("appums"), apple slices (also appum), squeezable fruit pouches, pasta ("patta"), pickles ("peekoh"), pizza, sprite ("pite"), and milk "meeohk")
  • Drinks milk from sippy cup and all other liquids from straw. Just starting to work on open cup
  • Still hates getting diaper changed and getting dressed
  • Can put arms in shirt once his head is in
  • Sometimes says "I poop" when he needs changed
  • You love mama, daddy, geemaw, paw paw, todd, gamma fanny and geepa tarlie
  • Can identify dogs by name and love to fill their food bowls and give them treats
  • Favorite bedtime book (this week) is Corduroy
  • Trying to climb everywhere, but still have some difficulty
  • Obsessed with vacuuming
  • Favorite show is still Caillou. We're planning a Caillou theme for your 2nd birthday party
  • You are the funniest, cutest little boy we've ever seen. Everyone loves you (family members, strangers in stores, waitresses, etc). 

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