Thursday, October 27, 2011

Embrace the Camera- Oct 27th

I purposely saved these photos for ETC today. Here's my sweet "baby"
 and me at the pumpkin patch last weekend.

A Hayride to the Pumpkins! Tate was not sure about sitting on his own. :) 

Our attempt to ride these blow up horse things- we fell off!

Go join up with Emily!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We don't all have to agree- cosleeping style

So, this was previously a note on Facebook that I feel the need to re-iterate for my own good. What is it about parenting that makes everyone feel the need to share their opinion? You don't walk up to someone and say "Excuse me, let's discuss the outfit you're wearing" or go knock on someone's door and say "You should really plant your flowers like this". It's considered rude and it's just not done. So why is it acceptable to say to someone "You shouldn't let him sleep in bed with you" or "You know that's only for your own benefit, right?". If I wanted your opinion on sleeping arrangements, I would gladly ask for it. If you want to agree with me or offer support or kind words of encouragement, go for it. And you're welcome to disagree with me and I completely respect your right to parent in your own way (as long as you're not abusing your child). But, don't pretend like you're all knowing and tell me how to parent my child.

On to the note:

I am beginning the book "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley generously loaned to me by Melissa Newkirk. Thanks Melissa! Before becoming a mommy, I was all for letting a child cry themselves to sleep. "It doesn't hurt them", "It works quickly and is best for everyone"... these were just a few of my thoughts. As I learn more about attachment, infant mental health and my own child, I have changed my thinking 180 degrees. I have to share my thoughts on this so that all parents will at least consider their options and realize that you DON'T have to resort to the "Cry it out" method. If you are well informed and you still think this is the best solution for your family, then have at it. No one's going to stop you and I won't judge you. Every parent has to do what feels right to them. These are my thoughts on the whole thing...

Your child has no words (or perhaps a few), and uses crying as their main form of communication. A few excerpts from the book:

1) From the author trying the cry-it-out method: "[I checked on her often], but each return visit struck me with my precious baby holding out her arms, desperately and helplessly crying "Mama!" with a look of terror and confusion on her tiny face. And sobbing."

2) From Dr. Paul M. Fleiss and Frederick Hodges in the book Sweet Dreams: "Babies and young children are emotional rather than rational creatures. A child cannot comprehend why you are ignoring his cries for help. Ignoring your baby's cries, even with the best of intentions, may lead him to feel that he has been abandoned."

3) From Kate Allison Granju in the book Attachment Parenting: "Babies are people, extremely helpless, vulnerable and dependent people. You know what it feels like to cry in fear or distress. It feels terrible. And it's no different for your baby."

And the worst. Perhaps a bit dramatic at the beginning, but very real emotions for an little one.

4) From Jean Liedloff in The Continuum Concept: " He awakens in a mindless terror of the silence, the motionless. He screams. He is afire from head to foot with want, with desire, with intolerable impatience. He gasps for breath and screams until his head is filled and throbbing with the sound. He screams until his chest aches, until his throat is sore. He can bear the pain no more and his sobs weaken and subside. He listens. He opens and closes his fists. He rolls his head from side to side. Nothing helps. It is unbearable. He begins to cry again, but it is too much for his strained throat; he soon stops. He waves his hands and kicks his feet. He stops, able to suffer, unable to think, unable to hope. He listens. Then he falls asleep again."

That one literally makes me cry and rips my heart open. Call me a sap, call me overly emotional, whatever. Your child is crying to communicate a need. He wants your company. He wants to hear your voice and smell your "mommy smell" and feel your arms holding him. He craves you and your presence. He needs you. You're his mommy.

If we let our children cry all alone in their room, we are teaching them that their voice doesn't matter, that they don't have feelings, that we don't care if they are scared or want company. The argument is that children learn from a very young age how to manipulate their parents and get what they want. Umm... yeah. That's how they get their needs and wants met. Do you really want to sleep in a dark room all alone? Do you ever get scared if you're home by yourself at night or think "What was that noise?". Everyone feels fear at some point in their life and you probably want to be comforted when you're scared. Children need to be taught self soothing skills in a loving manner.

This is what I strive to do. We have GOT to start getting some decent sleep in my house. But, I refuse to do something that makes my baby feel scared, alone or unimportant. My hope is that this book will provide me with loving solutions and that I can pass these on to anyone who will listen.

I NEVER would have thought I would be co-sleeping with my one year old. NEVER, EVER!!! But, it's what feels right for me and my child and that's all that matters. It's so hard to stick to my own beliefs and proclaim them when society tells me what I'm doing is "wrong" or that I'm just "giving in". When I tell people that my child sleeps in bed with me, they all say "Oh, you really need to get him in his own bed NOW". No thanks. It's not weird. It's not taboo. In fact, America and parts of Europe are the only parts of the world that DON'T believe in things like co-sleeping and baby wearing. It used to be the practice that the whole family or at least all the children (and there were lots) slept in one big bed. It's only since America became more affluent that there are rooms for each child and everyone must sleep in their own space.

You don't have to like what I say or even read it. And most of you probably didn't make it this far. Kudos to you if you did!!! I need to write this for myself so that I can go back and read this and remember why I believe what I do. I need to use this to say "this is what I'm doing and I'm not ashamed". I am parenting MY way and it feels GREAT! *I think it's time for a blog of my own!*

Happy sleeping mommies! I hope to be reporting back fairly soon that Tate and I are making great strides towards better sleeping for us both.

Update: We are doing better with sleeping. Still falling asleep on me, but we're working on it. Still won't fall asleep for daddy. Ever. But we're working on it. I am able to put him to sleep and get up for several hours to do my own things. And I happen to love when my baby wakes up in the middle of the night, looks around and then crawls over to be closer to me. He's only little once and I am making the most of every single moment with him!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

Tate and I spent the weekend in Kansas City with my parents and brother and on Saturday we decided to take a spontaneous trip to the KC Pumpkin Patch. So glad we did- it was awesome!!!

 We took advantage of the many photo ops available

Tate rode in a wagon and got to feed goats

 We took a hayride (with no hay) to the...


We rode a fun train

And spent the whole time pointing to cars on the highway :)

We rode down this BIG slide (we're at the top waiting our turn)

 Tate and Gramma wore matching shirts!

 And they rode bikes. This was probably Tate's favorite
part of the whole day

 And we'll leave you with this adorableness right here!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Embrace the Camera: 10-20-11

Join up to Embrace the Camera with Emily

embrace the camera

Totally forgot today was ETC so I've decided to reminisce and share a photo of me and the little man 1 year ago this month. Aww! I miss him being little!

Go join up with Emily and Embrace the Camera!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Laugh When You Want to Cry

Oh goodness. It's been one of those days. Tate has had the croup for 1 week. Bad cough for 7 days. Fever for 7 days. Struggling to get him to eat for 7 days. And 7 days of fussy, grumpy, yucky-feeling baby.


We saw the dr today to check out his raspy wheezy cough. Had to do a breathing treatment at the office and then go get a chest xray. It's NOT pneumonia- thank you God! So, we have to do breathing treatments 3x day for the next 5-7 days. Joy. Time to pull out the red racecar nebulizer!

Here are some pics of our days at home the past few days:

I spent a lot of time half dressed to keep the fever down 

I made a new friend with Apollo who showed up in our yard 

I've cried a lot and been pretty sad 

I fell down and busted my lip and got a bloody nose 

And, I learned how to open the baby wipe container- look out!

And we've had random moments in between that make you just want to curl up and cry. So I've laughed instead. Ok, and cried a little. Today's incident: After the pediatrician, I grabbed some food for myself (Tate and the dogs got fed, but not me) and drove around for half an hour so Tate could nap. We checked in at the hospital for his chest xray and I took him to the bathroom to change his diaper. He proceeded to pee. Everywhere. Lovely! And he threw his binky on the bathroom floor and cried alligator tears the whole time. And guess who had no spare clothes? So my sick child walked around in 45 degree weather with no socks. The pants were fine and the onesie was salvageable so we made do. But really. Sigh.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sick babies are no fun!

My poor little guy has croup and it sucks! It literally appeared out of nowhere at 3 am Thursday when he woke up coughing, running a fever and puked up his milk.

We saw the doctor Thursday afternoon and he got a steroid shot. The barkiness is gone, but the cough hangs on.

And the fever. Oh the fever. Despite max dosages of Advil and Tylenol, he is still running anywhere from 99.4-102.9. Granted the almost 103 was when the Advil ran out, but really? Ridiculous!

He's doing better today with keeping his temp down, but the cough is more persistant. He won't eat more than a bite or two which is SO unlike my child! Luckily, he's tolerating lots of fluids however he's gagging a lot and almost puking regularly.

My best friend, Tate's "Aunt" Ashley came to help out this weekend and we all spent the weekend immersed in Disney Junior, Nick Jr. and the Sprout channel. Tate got lots of treats like a Sonic sprite and orange slush, a Mickey Mouse balloon and a new truck.

You get spoiled when you feel like crap! After all, there has to be SOME redeeming quality to being sick as a dog.

 There are a few moments each day where he wants to crawl and be wild,
 but they are very short lived.

 I think he was singing in this pic

Enjoy Dr. Doofenschmirz in the background :)
And, yes, his balloon does say Happy Birthday and
no, it is not his birthday, but that's what the
Dollar Tree had that looked fun!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Smart Baby

Today's post is for bragging on my little guy and his new skills:

Yesterday, at the doctor's office, Tate pointed to his nose when asked! We've only been working on this for frickin' ever so it was nice to see him finally "get it"!

Then, he looked at all the fish on the walls and signed "fish"! Again, something we've been doing for months and months.

THEN, he came home and said "cookie" for daddy while I was gone. It sounds more like "coo-coo" but it definitely means cookie!

And this past weekend, he started singing "E-I-E-I" (e-i-e-i-o) for Old MacDonald Had a Farm. It's so stinkin' cute! He has a farm animal book that we sing along with and he requests it every night before bed.

It's so fun to watch him learn so quickly and show off new skills daily. He's also getting braver everyday with his walking and I'm hoping once he gets over his croup, we'll see him take off even more.

Let's end with some fun photos of our 2 sick days at home. Enjoy!

 Babies are for eating

Drums are for sitting on 

He has to sleep upright to help with the coughing 

It's important to stay well hydrated when you're sick! 

Tate found a pen and drew on himself. I think this is his way of telling me how he's feeling :(

Embracing the Camera a day late

We're a day late for Embrace the Camera, but here's Tate and Mama cuddling and
watching TV while little man is sick with croup.

These are rare photos as my little one never sits still!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mimi's 90th Birthday Party

So, we traveled to Port Neches, Texas this past weekend to celebrate my dad's mom's (Mimi) 90th birthday party. This is the first time mom and I have been down there in probably 12 years so it was nice to see everyone and catch up. Enjoy some pics of the party and family!

All Mimi's family minus Todd and my cousin Marc


From left- Uncle Sonny, my Dad, Mimi, Uncle Mickey, and Aunt Marilyn

Mimi and the Grandkids (minus Todd and Marc)

 Mimi and the Great Grandkids 

 4 Generations

Monday, October 10, 2011

Texas Trip Part 1- the plane ride I was dreading taking Tate on a plane by myself and I was quite justified in my dreading. At least on the way to Texas. Coming home was much better, thankfully. As the 'Part 1' indicates- there will be more postings about our Texas adventures, but this is all I can handle today.

AJ drove us to the airport Friday morning and dropped us off. I somehow managed to wrangle a backpack, diaper bag, Tate in his stroller and large suitcase through the check in process. What's up with checking your bag (put the tag on it and weigh it) and then having to carry it over to the security scanner yourself?! Didn't they used to do that for you? Unhelpful. Then, we struggled through security where we had to show ID and boarding passes, take off shoes and misc., take out all liquids, and then fold up the stroller and put it on the conveyor belt while holding a squirming 1 year old. Again, not helpful. Thank God for helpful people in line near us who lended a helping hand!!!

We took a small Embraer plane with 1 seat, the aisle, and then 2 seats. The aisle wasn't even wide enough for us to walk through without smacking people with our 2 bags and 32 lb baby. I had specifically chosen the single seat when I booked our flight so that we wouldn't be next to someone and have to worry about Tate hitting them. Well, turns out there's not an extra oxygen mask for a lap child in the single seat, so we got put in a window seat next to a young man who instantly went to sleep. This meant we couldn't get our bag of toys down and we were squished for the whole flight trying not to move much and stay entertained with snacks and a few toys. Needless to say that was potentially the longest 1.5 hours of my life!

Thankfully, on the return flight, we knew what to expect for getting through security, packing our 2 plane bags, and mentally preparing for a crappy seat. Turns out, the flight attendant was a saint and we got the only empty seat next to us giving us 2 seats to play on. We were at the very back of the plane so there wasn't anything to look at. Tate ended up falling asleep on take off and didn't wake up til the plane was parked. It was AMAZING! We had a great time in Texas, but we were VERY glad to get back home and into our routine.

Sadly, in all the chaos, I forgot to take pics of us on the airplane. :( But here's one my mom took of us at the airport getting ready to fly back home.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our first Embrace the Camera!

Embrace the Camera is a weekly post each Thursday. You can join in with Emily Anderson on her blog:

Here's the rules:

1. take a picture of YOU with your kids, spouse, friends, etc. the point of embrace the camera is to get in front of the camera and to document a bit of yourself.

2. link up your POST, not your blog.

3. link back to our blog by a text link or using our button.

4. and lastly, have fun and visit each other!

leave each other lots of love---it's not easy to get in front of the camera---bravo to all of you who join us every week! your family will thank you for it one day :)

Here's a couple of pics from a month or so ago of me and my little guy. I just adore him!!!

Now go Embrace the Camera!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Incredibly Blessed

Sometimes my job takes me to really horrible houses. I work in a very rural county and work with some very nice, but often backwoods people. Having grown up in Dallas, I'm a city girl through and through. Before starting this job, I had little to no experience being out in the country. I've gotten much more comfortable with gravel roads, state highways, and chickens running loose in the yard. Today, like many visits, I took a state road to a county road and kept on driving. I pass the nice farm houses and keep going until I find the dirty, rundown houses or trailers and that's where I'm heading. I'm even getting to experience opening farm gates to drive down a road- very strange to me! Today's family has property owned by the grandparents and their kids live on the property along with cousins, nephews, etc. Each has their own trailer and yard space filled with random dogs, chickens and sometimes even a mule. There are many abandoned shacks/out buildings/broken down trailers on the property and the yard is littered with broken junk. The floor of the house is covered in smeared mud/dog poo, the place is completely dilapidated, the child is dirty and the parents are very low functioning. Often the nicest people you'll meet, but it's just a VERY eye opening experience.

The point of sharing this is that it always reminds me how blessed I am for all that I have. I was raised by well educated, middle class parents in nice houses and nice neighborhoods. I had a great education, clean clothes, an abundance of food and toys and never had to worry about my safety. I am so thankful to be able to provide these same things for my child. A.J. and I don't always like our jobs or the sacrifices we have to make to have the things we do, but we are SOO blessed! Many people right now don't have jobs, shelter or the comfort of knowing where their next meal is coming from. We have recently bought a beautiful house on a cul-de-sac with very nice neighbors in a middle class neighborhood. We can buy new clothes when we need them, have a new computer with internet, 2 nice tv's with satellite and we are able to have 3 fun, furry dogs. Tate has plenty of clothes, an abundance of toys, and he always has more than enough food. We are able to visit the doctor when needed, go out to eat and enjoy cheap entertainment. We also have the knowledge to be really good parents. We were blessed to have parents who were loving, supportive and encouraging. And of course, the biggest blessing of all is Tate Anderson Wahlquist!!!

 We sometimes forget all these blessings and it's nice to have a reminder now and then.

What are you most thankful for in your life?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Diaper rash and Chuggington

Tate keeps getting these strange welts on his inner thighs. Not sure if it's from the different diapers (daddy got Baby Dry instead of Cruisers), but he used to use the Baby Dry ones. Maybe daycare is using different wipes than what we send? We haven't changed soap, wipes, detergent, dryer sheets, milk, etc here at home so not really sure. I had just gotten it cleared up and it returned today. Looks super painful! Guess I'll be calling the pediatrician tomorrow. Who knew you needed a stinkin' medical degree to be a mom (and I'm pretty immersed in the medical field to begin with).

Anywho... this kid LOVES Chuggington. Sadly, he's up early enough lately to catch it on Disney Junior every morning at 6:30. When the theme song starts, he immediately drops what he's doing, stares and starts bopping up and down "dancing". It's pretty stinking funny! For Easter, he got a Chuggington lift-the-flap book that he recently unearthed in his bedroom. He loves to look at it and mess with the flaps. Apparently, I need to start Christmas shopping for Chugginton toys and maybe some other Disney Junior things as well.

Hard to believe it's time for Christmas shopping already! What's on your shopping list this year?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome to our story!

Hi there! Glad you could join me in the telling of my family's story. I've been thinking about starting a blog for awhile now, but just haven't bitten the bullet and done it. Well, here goes nothin'!

I follow several bloggers and the reason I am blogging comes from Jami Nato,, who says "Mothers are the memory keepers". The gist of this is that our family has a story to tell and if I don't tell it, who will? I want to be able to look back and remember those day to day things that are so easily forgotten. The "Hey, I remember that!" moments and even the not so fun things like sick kids, bad attitudes and messy houses. Those who know me know that I am a Facebook addict and post at least once per day. I frequently have to go digging through old posts to find some cute thing Tate did, what his weight was, or when he got a tooth so I can update his baby book. In going back and reading old posts, I realized how much I've already forgotten. I want something concrete to go back and remember these times. The best part is that each year, your blog can be printed out into a book for all to enjoy over and over. Can't wait for my first blog book!

So, let's begin with a very brief background on our family...

A.J. and I met through an online dating site on 12/30/08. We dated for a while and had planned on getting engaged around Christmas 2009 and married summer 2010. 'Twas not to be! We found out we were expecting a sweet baby on 12/19/09- what a day! So, we pushed up the timeline and got married March 14, 2010. Baby Tate Anderson Wahlquist arrived on August 11, 2010 at 1:13 am. He weighed 9 lbs 14 oz and was 21 inches long.

Since then we've had our ups and downs, bought our first house in Jefferson City, MO, and spent 1 whole incredible year with our perfect son! My little man is the love of my whole life! His daddy's okay, too. ;) We have 3 little chihuahua mixes- Lulu (2), Josie (5), and Brixie (6). We travel frequently to Kansas City to see my family and best friend and to West Plains to see AJ's family. Unlike many bloggers, I'm not a stay at home mom, not artsy-craftsy, not a photographer, and I spend most days in jeans and a t-shirt. I work with kiddos birth-3 with special needs and developmental delays. AJ is currently a charter pilot. Tate is all boy, very busy and makes hilarious faces!

We hope you'll come along on this crazy journey of life!