Friday, October 14, 2011

Smart Baby

Today's post is for bragging on my little guy and his new skills:

Yesterday, at the doctor's office, Tate pointed to his nose when asked! We've only been working on this for frickin' ever so it was nice to see him finally "get it"!

Then, he looked at all the fish on the walls and signed "fish"! Again, something we've been doing for months and months.

THEN, he came home and said "cookie" for daddy while I was gone. It sounds more like "coo-coo" but it definitely means cookie!

And this past weekend, he started singing "E-I-E-I" (e-i-e-i-o) for Old MacDonald Had a Farm. It's so stinkin' cute! He has a farm animal book that we sing along with and he requests it every night before bed.

It's so fun to watch him learn so quickly and show off new skills daily. He's also getting braver everyday with his walking and I'm hoping once he gets over his croup, we'll see him take off even more.

Let's end with some fun photos of our 2 sick days at home. Enjoy!

 Babies are for eating

Drums are for sitting on 

He has to sleep upright to help with the coughing 

It's important to stay well hydrated when you're sick! 

Tate found a pen and drew on himself. I think this is his way of telling me how he's feeling :(

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