Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Laugh When You Want to Cry

Oh goodness. It's been one of those days. Tate has had the croup for 1 week. Bad cough for 7 days. Fever for 7 days. Struggling to get him to eat for 7 days. And 7 days of fussy, grumpy, yucky-feeling baby.


We saw the dr today to check out his raspy wheezy cough. Had to do a breathing treatment at the office and then go get a chest xray. It's NOT pneumonia- thank you God! So, we have to do breathing treatments 3x day for the next 5-7 days. Joy. Time to pull out the red racecar nebulizer!

Here are some pics of our days at home the past few days:

I spent a lot of time half dressed to keep the fever down 

I made a new friend with Apollo who showed up in our yard 

I've cried a lot and been pretty sad 

I fell down and busted my lip and got a bloody nose 

And, I learned how to open the baby wipe container- look out!

And we've had random moments in between that make you just want to curl up and cry. So I've laughed instead. Ok, and cried a little. Today's incident: After the pediatrician, I grabbed some food for myself (Tate and the dogs got fed, but not me) and drove around for half an hour so Tate could nap. We checked in at the hospital for his chest xray and I took him to the bathroom to change his diaper. He proceeded to pee. Everywhere. Lovely! And he threw his binky on the bathroom floor and cried alligator tears the whole time. And guess who had no spare clothes? So my sick child walked around in 45 degree weather with no socks. The pants were fine and the onesie was salvageable so we made do. But really. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. so sorry, I completely's just temporary. Poor sweet baby
