Monday, November 21, 2011

Bad at blogging

Man, I am really bad about blogging lately. I blame it on the time change.
Our house is so confused after 5 pm.
Tate is ready for bed at 6, but we make him stay up til 7:30 or 8.
Either AJ or I usually go to bed by 8:30 every night. The other person stays up for a while and has free time.
Even our dogs are ready for bed early. It's a sad evening when the house is silent at 8 pm.

Maybe my New Year's resolution will be to blog at least __ times per week.
 My blog book will be super lame if I don't get busy! 

I'm super excited that this is a short work week and I was actually
super productive today. I wish everyday could be like this!

No pics today because I'm lazy. :)

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