Last post of the night I swear! It's rare that I find the free time to sit down and blog so I just do several all at once. I figure it saves our memories just the same. :)
Well, tomorrow is the big gender reveal (if the baby cooperates). We have our 20 week ultrasound tomorrow morning and if the baby will spread it's legs, we can finally find out if it's a boy or girl. I am so nervous/anxious/excited.
I know the baby is at least alive and well for now- he or she has really started moving around this week! So, now the question is "does everything look normal? like the heart, spine, etc. Since I work in a program that serves little bitties with medical conditions that lead to developmental delays, I am all too aware of what can go wrong during fetal development. We feel comfortable handling something like Down Syndrome, but things like heart defects and neural tube defects scare the bejesus out of me. Just trying to keep the faith that this baby will be healthy and look great tomorrow.
As far as the sex of the baby... AJ thinks it's a girl, my mom keeps changing her mind, and I have NO idea. This pregnancy is different from Tate in that I want to eat ALL the time, have tons of back pain, and have gained weight more quickly. But, who knows is that's just the difference in pregnancy or a difference in the sex of the baby. I don't believe any of those old wives' tales- none were true with Tate. I think AJ would be totally happy either way. I would really like a girl so I can experience both. But, I wanted a girl with Tate but then couldn't imagine having a girl once we found out he was a boy. Boys are SO much fun so I know we will be excited either way.
Tate is going to Gramma's for the weekend so I'm sure I will spend the weekend either shopping for girl's clothes or sorting through all of Tate's baby clothes. :) We took a whole bunch of photos this weekend of pink balloons and then blue balloons so that we will be ready to announce either way as soon as we know. There's one pic of each on my phone to send as a text to my parents, brother, and best friend. Then, we'll come home and put the rest of our pics (including one with the baby's name) on Facebook for the world to know.
I know I won't be able to fall asleep for hours tonight- it's like Christmas Eve!!!
Hurry up tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!