Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Tate has had 2 days of swimming lessons so far- one good and one bad. He LOVED the first day, followed some directions, and generally had a blast. Last night, he was super excited when we got to the pool, but started fussing almost immediately when we got in the water. He wanted to play with duckies and then a ball or two balls and he just generally didn't want to follow a structured class- he just wants to go, go, go at his own (fast) pace. He cried and screamed for 97% of the lesson. Fun! Luckily, it's a class of 1 and 2 year olds so most of them were crying at some point. We didn't get any pics last night since we were too busy trying to bribe Tate into cooperating, but here's a look at our first day's lessons. It's fun because AJ and I both get to participate!

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