Friday, June 15, 2012

Life update

Here's a taste of what we are doing or want to be doing these days:

Tate starts swimming lessons on Monday- the kind where we go in the water with him. I'm so excited! It's his first "activity" and I'm so looking forward to it. He's a little fish so I'm sure he will absolutely love it. Just hope he doesn't throw huge fits about having to follow directions.

We've definitely hit the "terrible 2's"- he's argumentative and just plain crabby sometimes. His favorite new phrase is "I don't want it" said while throwing an item. We get random screaming fits about nothing in particular (having to take a bath, if mommy has to go potty, having to get dressed).
 It's fun.

We priced getting new flooring since ours is nasty, but all we can afford is more cheap-o carpet like we have right now. And we've found new dog pee spots lately so what's the point of getting new carpet if they're just gonna pee on it. We'll just spend our money on getting the carpets professionally cleaned 2-3 times a year. 
We also need a new deck, but again that's just not an option right now.
 Hoping this one will last til next summer.

Tate's language has exploded! He is consistently using 3-4 word phrases. It's kinda ridiculous. And he comes up with something new almost everyday. A couple days ago, he wanted a "ba-baid" for his owwie on his "yeg". I asked him who was on his bandaid and  he replied "Fee-a-fuhb" which is toddler for "Phineas and Ferb" which was indeed correct. This morning he got very upset when "Meeah Mouse" was over. And he just asked me "See that Mama?" when he hit something with his golf club. Smart kid I tell ya!

Our biggest challenge continues to be Tate's sleeping- as in he doesn't. Ok, he does, but it's not soundly. It's still usually alternating every other night. One night he sleeps great and wakes up maybe once or twice looking for his binky. Other nights (like last night), he wakes up screaming every 5-30 minutes all night long. AJ and I take turns being on the night shift. Last night was my turn and I was so tired that I just climbed into bed with him at some point and stayed there. He would wake up screaming even though I was right there to comfort him. Sometimes, it's a "montoo" (monster) and other times he'll say that something hurts. I just don't know. Should be fun if he's still doing this once the baby comes- then no one will sleep. :)

And finally, speaking of the baby, our ultrasound is scheduled for June 29th. We are so excited! This baby better spread it's legs! Can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl- makes it so much more real. If it's a boy, I won't be doing much shopping. If it's a girl, I'll be busy selling most of Tate's clothes and buying super cute pink clothes! We are working hard on picking out names, but we agree on almost nothing. I already did the blood work for determining my risk of having certain disabilities in the baby- waiting on those results and we'll know a lot more after the ultrasound. Anxious to make sure everything is normal or start making preparations if there is something going on. So thankful I'm in the special ed field, because I'm not nearly as scared of Down Syndrome or other things as some other parents-to-be. But, always hoping that everything is normal!

That's all for now. I have to go watch Blue's Clues with my cranker bean and get packing for our trip to West Plains later today. We're headed to visit AJ's parents for Father's Day. I'm most excited to go swimming at their community pool which is usually deserted. :)

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