Friday, July 27, 2012

It's a...

Well it only took me a month to post this, but Baby Wahlquist #2 is a GIRL!

We announced to my parents, brother, and best friend via a text picture, called AJ's parents, and then posted the above photos on Facebook. 

We are absolutely thrilled. One boy and one girl. And now we can be done having babies! Who knows, we may decide (many years down the road) that we want another little one running around, but this is for sure my last pregnancy. No one can handle me being preggo again. 

And below is how we announced her name

We're still not positive if we will name her Lexi or Alexa, but I'm pretty sure it will just be Lexi. Still fighting over middle names, but my pick is Lexi Madison Wahlquist.

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