Friday, July 27, 2012

Visiting Metcalf

Tate and I went with my mom and brother to visit Tate's Great Great Grandma Metcalf in Indianapolis. Tatey is almost 2 and she is 96 1/2. We visited her last summer and she usually goes to Kansas City for Thanksgiving. She wasn't able to go last year so this was the first time we'd seen her in over a year. She had been pretty sick for several months, but was looking and feeling good while we were there. 

Tate is very fortunate to have lots of Grandmas so he gets a little concerned. Before our trip, I showed him pictures of Grandma Metcalf so he would know who she was. He called her "Metcalf". Hilarious! And once we got there, he continued calling her simply "Metcalf" the whole time. I guess having another Grandma label was too confusing so he shortened it. He would walk around and say "Metcalf's room" and "Metcalf's pretties" and "Hey Metcalf". We all died laughing. In all her 96 years, she's never been called Metcalf. Guess Tate just wanted to make her feel special. :)

Pretending to pinch Metcalf's toes so she would pretend to cry 

Sitting with Metcalf 

More pinching 

Giving goodbye hugs 

A little nervous that Gramma Nobles might leave without him!

We all had a nice visit and even went to a "Happy Birthday Party" for one of the many many cousins up in Indiana. Tate played outside in the water lots to stay cool, we ate WAY too much, and stayed up too late every night talking. The 4 days went by fast (probably because we drove 7 hours the first and 4th days). 

We're not sure when (or if) we'll see her again, but hopefully we'll be able to take a trip with Lexi once the weather clears up in the early spring. Grandma won't be coming for Thanksgiving this year because Miss Lexi is scheduled to arrive 2 days before... although she probably wouldn't be up for that much traveling anyways. I really really hope that she can meet Lexi before she passes- this will be the first great great granddaughter. She already has 4 little boys with another on the way, then Lexi, then one more after that (gender still unknown). How cool to live to see that many generations!

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