Sunday, December 4, 2011

Make your own coasters

Here's my 2nd pinterest craft- homemade coasters as Christmas gifts for my co-workers.

Originally from this blog post:

Here's my own picture tutorial. Enjoy and be sure to let me know if you make your own!

Step 1- buy white tile coasters. They sell for $.35 at Lowe's.
I got mine for $.05/piece at a local surplus store- bargain!
You'll also need: scrapbook paper or cute napkins, glue gun, spray adhesive, Mod Podge, scissors, ribbon, sponge paintbrush and a pen/pencil. 
 Step 2- make a stencil/pattern that you can use to measure your scrapbook paper.
I tried cardboard and ended up just using paper.
 Step 3- Trace your pattern onto the back of your scrapbook paper and cut out.
This was pretty time consuming. Note to self- purchase a paper cutter!
 Step 4- Once ALL your papers are cut out, break out your Mod Podge.
This was my first time using Mod Podge, but it's super easy.
Use a sponge brush (like the one pictured) and spread mod podge all over your tile.
 Step 5- Quickly place your scrapbook cut out on the tile, pressing down around the edges.
I found that I had to go back and press the edges down once more after it dried for about 30 seconds.
 Step 6- time for the backing. You can use felt, corkboard, or pre-cut circle thingies (which I couldn't find). I bought a huge roll of really thin corkboard for $15 and have tons left over for future craftiness. Cut out your corkboard or felt to be slightly smaller than your tiles.
 Step 7- love me some hot glue! Use your glue gun to hot glue your backing to your coaster.
I put hot glue near the edges of each tile and quickly pressed on the corkboard.
 Ta da! This one is not centered since I was trying to take pics while doing!
 Step 8- Apply another layer of mod podge over the whole tile- I found it best to use a THIN layer.

Step 9- Once they dry, apply spray adhesive (in a well ventilated area) to the tiles to make them waterproof. What good's a coaster that can't get wet?!
 And now just enjoy all my various tiles!

 Finally- Stack 2 or 4 together and tie with a bow. Give as gifts and you're DONE! I ran out of ribbon so mine aren't tied up all pretty yet. You can just enjoy the original blogger's pretty finished product.

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