Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Rough Week

Gracious it's been quite a week. Tate got sick on Thanksgiving day- ran a fever, cough, snot, felt yucky. That lasted until Sunday when he started getting better and I started getting worse. He's a good sharer. Sent him to daycare Monday and took a long nap. Got a call to pick him up from daycare- darn fever reappeared. Luckily AJ was home Tues and Wed so Tate and Daddy played while Mommy worked and then Tate and I napped together twice a day.

Tate was able to go back to daycare today and I finally felt like a human again. Granted I sound like a man. But, felt somewhat better. So, why not sprain my ankle? Sounds fun, right? Thank God it's not fractured. Today was also AJ's first day at his new job so I got to drive myself home from daycare, to and from Urgent Care, and to and from daycare again all with a sprained RIGHT ankle. Lovely! Did I mention we live in a split level house with LOTS of stairs. So fun to be me today.

But things could be way worse, so I'm dealing with it. One of the most important things I've learned since becoming a mom is the ability to suck it up and keep going. The world doesn't stop just because you're sick or tired or injured. Work, childcare, laundry, housework, cooking, pet care, etc all keep on trucking and you're still responsible for all of it. Good lesson to learn just wish it was a tad easier to learn. :(

I promise my next post will be more cheery, but sometimes you just need a place to let it all out.

These pics pretty much sum up the last 7 days of our lives...

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