Thursday, December 1, 2011

My First Pinterest Craft!!!

Alrighty folks, here is my very first craft created from the wonderful world of Pinterest.

This is a pretty big deal for me. I am not especially creative or crafty. But, we moved 6 months ago to a larger house and it needs a lot decoration. We don't have the funds to purchase expensive decor (hello, we just bought a house) so I'm figuring out how to make our own decorativeness.

I have several more ideas to implement ASAP including Christmas gifts for my coworkers. That one will appear this weekend with a tutorial.

So, without further ado... here goes

Start with $1 frames from the dollar store.
You can spell out anything with this craft so just buy as many frames as you have letters.
I chose to do our last name.
The original pin had "autumn" in fall colors. 

 Buy fun scrapbook paper and cut to fit each frame.
Here's pics of the patterns I chose.

 Note all the different colors/styles of the frames.
You can choose anything you want since you'll paint them all the same color.

 Choose different fonts and sizes for each letter and print.
Cut out carefully.
I used black sharpie to touch up any spots that were hard to cut out.

I had to do mine kinda out of order cause it was raining the first day.
I would spray paint your frames first so they can dry while you do everything else.  
Anywho, spray paint your frames a fabulous color of your choosing.
Sidenote- this was my first time spray painting. Ever.

Put it all together (after the paint dries) and voila!

I'm planning to hang in our dining room later.
You could leave off the glass to avoid the glare but I wanted the paper protected from my
 destructive creative and helpful 1 year old. :)

Happy Crafting!!!

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